Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 8 of 90 - Feeling Good

Hello there,

it's been a few days since i posted. I took an exercise break last Friday and Monday. I think i just needed some rest time. Last night i worked out hard. The scale went back to 145 although i have lost an inch to 1/2 an inch in alot of places. my pants to in fact feel a bit looser but the weight is just not coming off...perhaps becuase i'm not following the diet.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 4 of 90 - Results!!!


Today is a good day. I'm down to 140lbs!! That's pretty impressive. Lost 5 pounds in 4 days. I feel great and beautiful today. I can't believe the results came so quickly! Lastnight i ate some brown rice and salad. I felt very satistfied and i believe that is a perfectly healthy meal. My brother in-law was over and ate with us and he even loved it. I think the Braggs seasoning made it taste really good. Anyhow i've now got my motivation to keep going! My stomach even looks a bit flatter. I'm hungry so i'm eating an apple. I've truly been choosing such healthy options lately! Usually i'd head downstairs and grab a muffin or sweet bread or something that is just loaded with carbs. It feels good to be back in control of my body. I feel so much better now that i can have some salt and flavour on my food. I absolutely love quinoa and brown rice so i will really succeed knowing i can eat those things. i brought some organic oatmeal and peanut butter and bluberries for lunch. I think it will be satisfying. I also started to incorporate coconut oil into my life. For example i put some on my skin this morning and it's so soft, even and beautiful. I used it in my salad lastnight instead of olive oil also because i've read numerous times it promotes weightloss.
update: Just got wonderful news! My surgery will for sure be on the 10th or 13th of February!!! I'm so happy. One month until my uterus is fixed! This means i'm on my way and achieving my goals for a healthy pregnancy. Can't wait. My momma is going to come here to take care of me. And of course i'll have my husband too! After the surgery i'll need to go on a high does of estrogen to build up my lining and prevent scar tissue...anyway overall today has been a fantastic day!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 3 of 90 - Feeling Good Again!


Today i'm a bit tired. It was really hard to get the motivation to make the power juice this morning. But i did it. I was also extremely unmotivated to make my lunch of gazpacho and various nasty purees. But i did...I'm sore today. This is hard. But i will do it. My husband has also been very supportive and pushing me to succeed. I'm really lucky to have a guy like him. My co-workers and i were just having a discussion of our husbands. They were both complaining that their husbands are missing life and their children growing up becuase they are up all night on the computer on facebook, video gaming etc. to all hours of the night and then sleep during the day. My husband is so not like that. He is not interested in facebook and video games. He is so responsible! Sometimes i complain about him but wow, hearing the horror stories my colleagues tell about their husbands is really eye opening. My husband gives his everything to ensure we have an amazing life. He is more than exited to have a child together and will be an amazing father. Just watching him with my niece and nephew validates that he has such a natural paternal instinct towards children. I can't wait for the day to tell him i'm pregnant. I'm really hoping that by May/Jun latest i'm pregnant. Besides getting back in shape it is my only want in life. I would give everything to have a child. I will never accept NO. I will go to all ends to the earth to conceive. Adoption is just not an option at this time. It's just not something i'm ready to consider. I know my Dr. will help me. He is the best surgeon in North America for removing septums and dealing with uterine abnormalities. I know 2012 is going to be the year i have a child of my own. I absolutely cannot wait!! I love my husband so much.
11:59pm - I'm hungry for real food. My blueberries are not cutting it...I have gazpacho too.
12:15pm - i could not eat that gazpacho, it is so gross. So i'm cheating and having a very healthy cabbage soup, although it does have salt...
1:22pm: I have made a decision! I can't eat this pureed stuff anymore. I plan to eat salad and brown rice or quinoa everyday. i do not need to eat baby food anymore. This isn't healthy! I do plan to keep some of the elements of her plan though. For example the power juice is so very healthy to start your day with. The bluberry apple sauce makes me gag as does the sweet potatoe corn pudding and carrot parsnip puree and lastly the veggie protein soup. These foods are absolutely disgusting. I plan to eat very healthy and eat in moderation. I will also drastically limit my salt intake. But i'm sorry Tracy, your meal plan is absolutely the most revolting crap i've ever tasted in my life. Again i will make healthy food choices that make me at least want to get up and start my day. I cannot live life without good food. And i think totally removing salt from your diet is also not good. We need a bit of salt. Just making this decision has made me much happier. I'm really going to stick to the exercise regimin but the diet has gotta go. I'm sad that i can't stomach the food but NO. it's not going to happen. Week 2 of the plan is actually doable. So we'll see how i fare with that. But the baby food stuff is just awful. I would like to see anyone go on that diet and actually stick to it. For dinner tonight i'm going to make a nice salad and some quinoa with Braggs' Aminos. I love that stuff. I will only make things with coconut oil as well. It is very good for you and actually promotes weight loss.
update: did the dance cardio and made it through half way but gave it my all. Did the full mat work. Yay

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 2 of 90 - Feeling Good and Motivated

Ok Day 2, i hope you are better than Day 1. So i actually weighed myself for the 1st time in one year today. I used to be 115lbs and that's pretty normal weight for me. I can't believe i actually weigh 145lbs. I can't believe i've put on 30lbs in a year! Ugghhh it disgusts me and just fuels my fire to loose these dreaded pounds and i WILL loose it by April. My goal is to be back to 115lbs. I'm just wondering if the birth control i'm on is having an affect on my weight too. My doctor made me go on the pill in early December for my surgery in Feb. I know, it seems like 2 steps back in the direction of getting pregnant. But she assured me this is necessary so that they can see more clearly in my uterus once they are in there. Anyways enough about that until the surgery...
I'm really relying on Tracy to get me in shape. Speaking of Tracy i started Day 2 of her Dynamic Eating Plan as well. The eating plan is something i'm not too motivated about. I can't imagine no salt for the next 3 months. You know the diet wouldn't be soooo aweful if i could have salt. But i'm so desperate to loose weight and feel great that i'll do it. I'll do anything at this point. I also think i'm highly addicted to salt so leaving it off my food for the next 3 months will only do good for me. I guess you could say i'm somewhat cheating today. Instead of pureed apple and blueberry crap i'm just eating a plain apple with blueberries. I can't eat the mash today...the whole apple tastes just wonderful. i'm saving the blueberries for later...
I feel somewhat sore today but definately not the sorest i've ever been from a workout...which i'm actually happy about becuase if i was so sore i couldnt' move i probably would not have the motivation to do it tonight. The dance cardio was exhausting and i looked like an absolute idiot dancing around to my own moves...the muscular work was pretty doable except for the mat work (legs). i found that too be unbelievably excruitiating to get through...oh well. i really do believe the workouts will only get easier from here. That goes for the diet too. Next week i can have some more normal foods instead of "baby food".
On another note, i do not have the headache today. Although i kind of feel it coming on very light right now. I'm thinking by the afternoon i'll likely feel like crap...I will not cheat though, i didn't cheat yesterday and i will not cheat today. I'm really hoping by the end of the week to be down to 140lbs. That would make me happy.
1:07pm - Eating my gazpacho - it actually tastes better today. Hopefully the craving to add salt to everything is finally starting to subside...
3:10pm - Eating my choco chestnut pudding. Its really yummy! Today has definately been easier than yesterday and no headache!
9:41pm - Wow getting the motivation to do my cardio and muscular was soooper hard. But once i got going it wasn't all that bad. I stopped a bit short on the cardio and went straight the the mat work. Overall it was a bit easier today. All the food tasted most disgusting today. I cannot eat anything pureed. It makes me gag. I've decided to eat the vegetables in whole form vs. pureeying them. I also do not feel as tired as i did yesterday although i did have a 30min nap after work. i was exhausted. Now i'm watching War Horse and i can actually stay up to watch the movie and last night i could not keep my eyes open. Again my craving for salt is killing me. I sneaked in some Braggs Aminos into some of the foods. I'm hoping it does not have an affect on my weight loss. I put just the tiniest amount to give my food some taste. I'm unmotivated to make my lunch right now so ill do it in the morning. On a very positive note my pants fit just a teeny bit better today. They didn't feel tight and uncomfortable as usual. That makes me very happy!

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9 - Day 1 of Tracy Anderson Method and the rest of my life

Day 1 of 90 - 89 days to go!


This is exiting! Today feels like a new fresh start for me. 2011 was an extremely rough emotional rollercoaster of a year for me. It started out great; newly married and ready to start a family. It all went down hill from there once i learned i wouldn't be able to conceive because in Jun of last year i found out i have a severly septate uterus. In September i finally got pregnant but soon after miscarried. I will not be able to sucessfully carry a child until i have the septum removed from my uterus. I've never been so heartbroken, frustrated and stressed in my entire life. Because of this emotional stress I quickly began to gain weight and my health started to suffer. I was depressed, and getting headaches and high blood pressure! Scary i know! In late November of this year i decided to change my life. I have embraced the fact that i will need a little help from my fantastic doctor to get pregnant and i've also decided to treat my body much better. I'm off to a great start! My surgery is in Feb 2012 and i 've just recieved the Tracy Andreson Method to get my body back into tip top shape before i start the baby making process all over again. I'm also going to Mexico in April so i'll need to feel comfortable once again in a bikini. My intention for this blog is to document my experience of getting in shape using Tracy Anderson and getting pregnant after this surgery. So here it goes.

I'll start with the method since my surgery isn't until February.
The method is a 90 day commitment. Tracy suggests if you want to loose weight you should follow her diet plan to a "T". So i have about 15lbs to shed so I spent the entire day making all the cleanse recipes yesterday. I will do the exercise after work tonight which is a combo of dance cardio and muscular work for 1hour. I'll update on that later.
7:30am - The first recipe i made this morning is called a power juice. It's Kale, beets, spinach and an apple juiced. Surprisingly it was not bad. I kind of enjoyed it.
10:08am - kind of hungry; time for a mid morning snack. Homemade blueberry apple sauce with a pinch of cinnimon. It's kind of a large serving and i sort of dislike applesauce but i'm eating it although it tastes quite boring. I'd usually be scarfing down a muffin/cookie with coffee at this point. Do you think i'll make it 90days?
update: the applesauce tastes like crap! thank god i only have to eat it for 1 week!!!
1:02pm - Just had "lunch"; gazpacho. It was good but i'm still hungry and i've got a raging headache likely from lack of caffeine, sugar and carbs. Oh God how will i ever make it!!!
update: Extremely bloated and headache is still bad...
2:23pm - Mid-afternoon snack. Tracy's Chocolate Pudding. It was yummy! A blend of chesnuts, dried prunes, coconut and semi-sweet chocolate chips - still have a headache. Maybe the sugar will make it go away...
3:09pm - Update: Headache is subsiding
3:19pm - My husband called to let me know he did not eat his awesome "mash lunch" today because the big bosses from NYC are in the office and taking him out to lunch. Did i mention he is doing the diet with me? Instead he had all you can eat sushi! I'm jealous. Sounds so amazing and delectable :) I'm not sure i can eat this pureed shit for much longer....
3:33pm - I'm debating posting my before pics...should i? I'm so embarrassed of them!!! I'll think about it
4:26pm - Getting hunger hungry. I mean it can only get better from here right? I think Day 1 and 2 are going to be the worst of it. The real tough part will be finding the will power to stick to the method for 90 days!
8.26pm - Did the dance cardio and muscular work. It was freaking disgustingly hard. OMG. Oh well - Day 1 is complete!!! On another note, i still have a headache! I gotta clean now and go to bed. Exited for Day 2 tomorrow!
10:00pm - i cant keep my eyes open and the headache is excrutiating. I guess this means it's working...My body is eliminating toxins (hence the headache). I'm going to bed now.

Good Night!